Here's the poop

As chair of the Capital Regional District (CRD) Liquid Waste Commission for the last few years, I’ve come to realize that there’s more to  flushing than meets the eye. It seems easy enough: just throw things down your toilet or sink and they magically disappear!

Not so! It’s really important to pay attention to the rest of the story. Here on Salt Spring your drains either go to a septic tank or a sewer treatment plant. In both cases, what you put into the system matters a lot.

Firstly, only poop, pee and toilet paper should go down the toilet. Please don’t throw wipes, hygiene products, condoms, cotton swabs, or dental floss down the drain. Even if it says flushable on the package, our systems can’t handle it! (The same goes for grease down the kitchen sink.)

Secondly, only green cleaners should be used when they are going to enter the system, either septic or sewage.  (As a veterinarian and animal welfare consultant I encourage you to use only non-tested-on-animals products throughout your home.)  These cleaners are non-toxic and will biodegrade once they leave your home.

It's also really important for septic tank owners to have regular pump-outs. Every 5 years is the recommended schedule. I’ve heard from a number of sources that Salt Spring’s sewage is the thickest in the land.  Not sure if this is from all the kale we eat, or whether we just need to pump more often, but it would really help down the line if we kept our tanks cleaner.

As taxpayers, we spend over $400,000 per year on trucking our poop off island. Once it leaves your house, it travels to a holding station near Burgoyne Bay. (The sludge from sewer treatment plants goes there too.) The haulers deliver it into tanks and then those big blue trucks pump it out and take it to Victoria. All the extras that get flushed really clog up the system and add a lot of work for the haulers, and a lot of cost to us to fix the equipment. We could save lots of money and make everyone’s job easier if we took care of our drains!

Learn from the CRD about Protecting Your Septic System and Protecting Plumbing.

Mary Richardson
Chair, CRD Liquid Waste Commission

May 7, 2021 9:02 AM