Fire Department Misinformation Doesn't Help Us
One has to wonder why there is so much misinformation in the community regarding the fire department. Probably a lot of it comes down to former trustees who hadn't been willing to recognize their own limitations, some of it was arrogance, some an unwillingness to discuss issues in front of the public and some was just, plain misinformation by the Board .
The Province admits that Improvement Districts have problems with professionalism and accountability. This seems to have been a self-fulfilling prophesy. Without the guidance or involvement of qualified administrative staff, we've had trustees claim:
that the public has no right to question the budget;
that releasing information about employee compensation violates the employee's right to privacy;
that recording public meetings is improper;
that Improvement Districts are prohibited from establishing Renewal Reserve Funds when, in fact, they're required;
that it's okay to purge bylaws from the record books.
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