Excavating Services

Full Name | Scott Shields |
Phone | 250-537-6127 |
Location | Salt Spring Island |
Born and raised on Salt Spring - A decade of experience running equipment in various environments on the islands. A strong dedication to clean and tidy site work, Scott takes pride in his finish work.
Full size and mini excavators, rock breaker attachments, soil screening buckets, skid-steer, trucking and aggregates. Offering complete excavation services including:
-Land Clearing and grading
-Foundation excavations and backfilling
-Drainage and foundation perimeter drains
-Boulder retaining walls, rockeries
-Roadbuilding, driveway grading and resurfacing
-Underground utility/service trenching, culvert installs, swales & ditching
Full size and mini excavators
5ton Excavator w/ operator: $144/hr
135 Excavator w/ operator: $178/hr
Track Skid-loader w/ operator: $141/hr
*Rock breaker attachments extra*
Fully insured, reach out to Scott for a free estimate.
Call or text: 250-537-6127
Email: scott@shieldsexcavating.com
Have a great day!

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