CAHOOTS Weekly Nature Programs for Children - Fridays or Thursdays
Full Name | Wisdom of the Earth |
Location | Salt Spring south end |
CAHOOTS Nature Programs provide year-long weekly nature connection and adventure for children, based on Nature Awareness and Coyote Mentoring, in the south end of Salt Spring Island. Play games, go on wild adventures, make natural crafts, and cultivate a deeper sense of our place in the natural world.
Register now for Sept.
We offer 2 Sept-June weekly programs, which run on either Thursdays or on SD64 non-instructional Fridays.
THURSDAYS 10am – 3pm, for ages 6-9
FRIDAYS 10am – 3pm, for ages 7-12
What happens at Cahoots?
At Cahoots, every day is a special adventure on the land, in the company of friends!
Learn how the animals live in the wild, finding all their food, medicine, shelter, and water. Learn the old skills that have allowed people all over the world to thrive in nature!
Through activities, challenges, stories, and song, children will discover greater self-confidence, learn cooperation and teamwork, develop empathy, and gain a sense of environmental care taking.
Each day will be a new opportunity to connect with nature and each other by:
playing games
hearing nature-based stories
building and tending a fire
learning knife safety and carving tools
weaving baskets and other nature crafting
foraging for food and medicine
discovering nature mysteries
learning bird language
expanding our senses
tracking wild animals and more!
We prioritize small group learning and one-on-one mentoring to really get to know your child and bring forth their natural passion and curiosity for learning while ultimately drawing out and lifting up their own unique gifts. Driven by inquiry and connection, we will create a group experience that time and time again has demonstrated increased confidence and self-expression, resilience, compassion and understanding, and a deep love for self, others and the natural world.
Our instructors are highly specialized and deeply skilled in Deep Nature Connection Awareness, Cultural Repair, Community Building, and have a deep commitment to mentoring children.
Our creative mentoring approach honours each child’s unique gifts and passions, encourages self-awareness in learning, supports a sense of belonging in community, and awakens a deep kinship with nature.
All programs also have field trips to other south end locations.
Payment plans are available.
REGISTER NOW for Sept. Space is limited.
To READ MORE and to REGISTER online:
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