Where will Electric Vehicles take us ?
Congratulations on the opening of the new Emergency Department of the Lady Minto hospital.
Why is an EV guy saying that, especially in his EV oriented Driftwood column ? Before I answer that, an update. You may have heard that the Transition Salt Spring - EV Group has completed its missions and closed its doors. True. That is because our mission of education is now being supported by government (including generous purchase incentives), industry (BC Hydro) and many other organizations. EVs are now mainstream. If we look at our other mission of EV charging infrastructure on Salt Spring, there are a host of free public chargers and the long needed pay-for-use DCFC (super high speed) charging is now coming to the new Fire Hall and the Co-op gas station. Those high speed chargers will be available for really busy vehicles like taxis, delivery and emergency vehicles and of course, tourists. That pretty well completes our group missions, so we disbanded. But I do notice th…
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about Where will Electric Vehicles take us ?