This report relates to the business of the Salt Spring Local Trust Committee (LTC), which is made up of the two local trustees and an appointed chair. The LTCâs responsibilities include regulating the development and use of land within the Salt Spring Local Trust Area, which includes Salt Spring Island and more than 25 associated islands including Prevost, Secret, and Piers islands.
Our next regular meeting will be on February 13th beginning at 9:30 AM at the Salt Spring Legion, Meaden Hall, 120 Blain Road. The agenda will be available on February 7th on the Islands Trust website. Office staff are available to help should you have questions about getting to our meetings or viewing them on-line. Please call 250-538-9144 or email for support. Please note that no in-person office is available on Salt Spring Island currently. Renovations will be commencing on a new office at 121 McPhillips Avenue, with intent to re-open to in-person service in Spring 2025.
We welcome you to ask questions or comments during the âTown Hall and Questionsâ period at the beginning of our February 13th regular meeting, starting at approximately 9:30 AM.
The following summarizes the meeting highlights from the LTCâs December 12th meeting. For the official record and for more details, please refer to the minutes and/or view recordings of the meetings.
At the December 12th meeting, the following decisions were made related to land use applications and referrals. We:
-Approved Development Variance Permit PLDVP20240174 (237 Isabella Point Road) to vary the allowed number of storeys from 2 to 3 and raise the maximum height for structures from 7.6 m to 8.7 m.
-Approved a Temporary Use Permit PLTUP20240164 (129 Dean Road) for a period of three years for the operation of a boarding house.
In other actions taken at the regular December 12th meeting we:
-Waived Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee Bylaw No. 529 section 44 âan individual member of the Local Trust Committee may not participate by means of electronic or other communication facilities in two consecutive regular Local Trust Committee meetings that are held in personâ to allow Trustee Harris to attend and participate in the December 12, 2024 in person meeting.
-Directed staff to forward public correspondence received regarding the Baker Beach Area Crown Lease Application 1415573 as additional information to the Province.
-Will provide a letter of support for North Salt Spring Waterworks Districtâs application to the Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund for funding support for two phases of their Water Resiliency Strategy, which will help address housing challenges and climate change resiliency.
-Will send a letter to the Capital Regional District Board indicating that the LTC supports, in principle, the proposed approach presented in the âWhat we heard summary report â April 30, 2024 regional workshop: Collaborative action to resolve boat-related issues in the Capital Region.â
-Reviewed the Repeal of Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 447 (584 Rainbow Road) and found it not to be contrary to, or at variance with, the Islands Trust Policy Statement, read the bylaw for a third time, and forwarded it to the Islands Trustâs Executive Committee for approval.
-Forwarded a staff report on land use planning projects that includes discussion of the staff resourcing challenges in the Islands Trustâs Salt Spring office, and requested Trust Council to: prioritize a review of the delivery of current and long-term planning services and identify opportunities to improve current planning cost recovery; increase staff resources dedicated to long-term planning, and; improve alignment of long-term planning staff resources with highest need.
-Requested staff to: prioritize the Lady Minto Hospital Foundationâs rezoning application PLRZ20240251 (101 Bittancourt Road housing project); prepare a draft bylaw to rezone from Commercial Accommodation 2(a) to Residential 1, and; proceed with public notification per section 467 of the Local Government Act.
-Requested staff to arrange for a webinar for trustees and the public to learn about the Islands Trustâs new land use application portal.
Your local trustees are always willing to sit down with you and island community organizations or businesses to understand what matters most to you and to talk to you about the work of the Islands Trust. Contact information: Laura Patrick or call 250-538-8170; Jamie Harris or call 250-530-9663.