Federal Election Online Poll Results
Our first federal election poll is now closed. In the 48 hours the poll was running on the Exchange, approximately 3091 of you visited the site at least once. Of those 3091, 454 of you voted in the poll. Expressed another way, 14% of the people who used the Exchange in that time chose to vote. In real terms, we had a voter turnout of 14%.
Here's how the rounded vote broke down:
Green Party of Canada - 79%
New Democratic Party of Canada - 9%
Conservative Party of Canada - 7%
Liberal Party of Canada - 5%
If the Saanich - Gulf Island riding was being determined solely by Salt Spring Islanders who use the Exchange, the Greens would win in a landslide.
Thank you to those that participated. This is the first poll we have conducted. We thought our community would find this valuable. If there appears to be interest, we will conduct the poll again in the days before the election to see if there has been any kind of shift in the campaign support between now and then. Comment on this post if you have any thoughts to share.
Thank you,
Christopher Roy